Our Journey So Far
This is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the Chew Valley community through our fundraising events. Our team is made up of passionate individuals who believe in making a difference. We create opportunities for people to come together and support local causes.
Christmas Eve Tractor Run
Each year on Christmas Eve The Chew Valley Tractor Express brings Mr & Mrs Claus and the elves to the villages! Come hail, rain and snow the drivers brave the weather along with all the supporters who line the streets.
2024 – Christmas Eve Tractor Run
This year on Christmas Eve we will be raising funds for a cause very close to the hearts of our very own Mr & Mrs Claus. Anything we raise will be used towards supporting those who have served our country. This will be the RMA & Dundry legion who have so graciously offered to supply meals in their restaurant for any veterans and their families living within the Chew Valley Area.
Vintage Easter Bunny Run
Held on Good Friday, the Easter Bunny, along with a number of vintage tractors, take a tour from Stanton Drew to raise funds and bring chocolate eggs to the children.
Ploughman’s in the Paddock
Held wholly to support the “Ami’s Gift” initiative, join us for a ploughman’s knowing that 100% of the proceeds will be going to help bereaved children.